Friday, February 18, 2011

Laura Oldfield Ford

This month Oldfield Ford's work has been cropping up around Bristol city centre's Broadmead area in Poster Sites, a project commissioned by Arnolfini. A recent mall development nearby is promising new money to the neglected shopping district, but her posters suggest capitalism is an empty dream. Window displays flaunt images of interior design offset by the huddled homeless, while people absent-mindedly wander shopping arcades, haunted by pawn-shop ads. A banner of dates running from the 14th through the 21st century tops each poster, pointing to past revolutions, riots, stock-market crashes and energy crises and implying similar events are coming back again in the not-so-distant future. Why we like her: London 2013: Drifting Through the Ruins, exploring what's to become of the Olympic site and its surrounds, is a particularly sharp imagining of abandoned ideals. Having a laugh: An encounter in Bristol's Broadmead Shopping Centre is said to have inspired comic Matt Lucas to develop Vicky Pollard, his infamous mouthy teen character. Where can I see her? At Poster Sites throughout Bristol city centre until 28 February. Her work is also in the group show Told at Hales gallery, London, from 25 February until 2 April. Finally, she's included in Orbitecture at Grundy art gallery, Blackpool, until 12 March.


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