Monday, February 7, 2011

ease menopause

However, nutritionists say that eating a balanced diet can help reduce some of the side effects that come with menopause. But Mr Rodney Byamugisha a medical Nutrition Therapist at St. Catherine Clinic on Buganda Road says that a balanced diet fit to counteract the effects of this stage in a woman varies from person to person. He explains that there are general nutrients that will work for everyone and these among others include calcium, proteins, vitamins A, B, C and D. Eat low fat dairy products and leafy vegetables During menopause, women are particularly are at risk of developing osteoporosis a disease in which bones become porous and prone to fractures. However, Byamugisha says that to prevent this, “Women need to take Vitamin D which can also be got while sitting under the sun for a short.” This should be early i the morning between 7a.m to 9a.m. He explains that the vitamin is important for the absorption of calcium and the formation of bones. But it should be taken along with calcium which will help to maintain the thickness of the bones and therefore prevent their susceptibility to breaking.


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